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文档 & Blog 生成器

  • Gatsby - Gatsby is a React-based open source framework with performance, scalability and security built-in. Collaborate, build and deploy 1000x faster with Gatsby Cloud.
  • Docusaurus - An optimized site generator in React. Docusaurus helps you to move fast and write content. Build documentation websites, blogs, marketing pages, and more.
  • VuePress - Vue-powered Static Site Generator
  • VitePress - Vite & Vue powered static site generator.
  • Hexo - Hexo is a fast, simple & powerful blog framework powered by Node.js.
  • dumi - A doc tool can assist you to develop libraries & write docs.
  • Jekyll - Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.
  • mdBook - Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust.